The DISPOSABLES project is a collection of disposable camera film from our staff, contributors, and bands. A behind the scenes look into the everyday lives of our artists and writers. The complete film will be published online, with select images featured in our print magazines.
Contributors shoot a whole disposable camera, get the camera developed, and send us the results. You can be already published with us or scheduled to be published in an upcoming issue.
Project Directions
1.Obtain a disposable camera.
2. Shoot the whole camera.
3. Get the film developed, and send us the digital images and/or the print images.
Submission Directions
1. Upon request from one of our TBR staff, or having sent us a proposal and obtained a "yes", acquire a disposable camera (color or black and white).
2. Send your image files to: theblackrabbitsubmissions@gmail.com with "DISPOSABLE" in the subject line.