The BLACKBOXING project is a collection of audio recordings of voices, displayed on a black backdrop video channel from our collaborators and staff.  We are currently collecting for this project from artists and writers published in past, present, or upcoming issues..   At the end of the collection period, we are launching a site hosting all the audio of our rabbits' voices and ruminations from around the world. Voices are marked with the initial of the speaker, and the location, time & date stamp of the person who recorded it.

All audio recordings will be uploaded into a YouTube  video format, with a black background, hence "blackboxing".

If you would like to submit sound recordings without your voice, simply record anywhere you go in your city that is of significance to you. For example, the line for the subway on your commute, the noise of your favorite cafe, the sound of birds early in the morning, anything.  Simply record that for however long or short you want, and label the location of the sound with the city and the place you are.  For example, !st avenue & mulberry, or culliver's beach, FL.  This will be dropped on our sound map.


Project Directions

1.The voice recordings are typically made via smartphones. simply talk about whatever topic you want (most staff have submitted talks about race or love or class), but mostly love.  Think of something that makes you happy, sad, joyful, angry, etc. . That you wish somebody would talk to you about. Or have the answers to. But you don't. And you want to talk about it and ask questions and make observations anyway. 

2. Record yourself using your phone or other audio device.

Submission Directions

1. Convert the audio file to an MP3 if it isn't already in that format. Title the track.

2. Send to us your audio file at with "BLACKBOXING" in the subject line. List the location of the recording, the time and date.

3. Your full name will not be published with these, if you are chosen for publication, just your initials. So go wild. But be true.